Both "V+dasu" and "V+hahjimeru" can be used to say that some action or phenomenon has begun. The following two sentences are both grammatically correct.
It started to rain.
It started to rain.
When the speaker wants to say that he or she starts some action with the intention of doing so, "V+dasu" is rarely used. Also, "V+dasu" is not often used when asking the listener to start something.
At eight o'clock, I will start studying.
If he will be late, then let's start eating first.
I'm going to be late, so please start eating first.
In addition, it is often pointed out that "V+dasu" tends to be used more than "V+hajimeru" in the following cases, but even if "V+hajimeru" is used, it is not incorrect.
Although "V+dasu" tends to be used when something the speaker did not expect has begun, both can be used, as in the following example.
As predicted, rain began to fall in the evening.
In the evening, it suddenly began to rain.
”V+dasu" is more likely to be used with words expressing expressions of emotion such as laughing, getting angry, crying, etc. However, "V+hajimeru" is also not wrong.
He started laughing when he heard her story.
She became anxious and began to cry.
関連文法 related grammar
池谷知子(2017)『開始を表す複合動詞「~出す」「~始める」の違い ーコーパスを利用した使用実態からー』
陳劼懌(2012)『語彙的複合動詞と統語的複合動詞の連続性について ―「~出す」を対象として― 』
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