【JLPT N1 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning

N1 と Nが相まって


The combination of a weak yen and soaring raw material prices hit that company hard.

N1 と N2 が合わさって


N1 to N2 ga aimatte" is used when one wants to say that the two elements "N1" and "N2" combine to produce some kind of effect or influence. It is especially often used when those two elements are having a synergistic effect.

文法解説】Grammar point 1:


N1とN2 が相まって

1. その大胆だいたんなタッチ色使いろづかが相まってかれ作品さくひん独特どくとく魅力みりょくしている。
Combined with his bold touch and use of color, his work creates a unique appeal.

N1は/が N2 と相まって

2. 長年ながねんつづ不景気ふけいきコロナ不況ふきょう相まって企業きぎょうにさらなる大打撃だいだげきあたえた。
The long-running recession, combined with the Corona recession, dealt an even greater blow to the companies.

接続  formation

 N1  と   N2  が相まって

 N1  は/が   N2  と相まって

例文 example sentences

Her songs, combined with her delicate voice and sad lyrics, capture the hearts of those who hear them and do not let go.

The combination of the acidity of the lemon and the richness of the butter makes the sauce superb.

Her back view looked even more beautiful combined with the glow of the sunset.

The outflow of young people to the cities combined with the aging of the local population has made the local economy difficult.

Her unique artwork, combined with the pop art boom of the time, quickly attracted attention.

The humorous performances of the lead actors, combined with the interesting script, have made the drama a hit with many viewers.

Years of lack of exercise combined with a poor diet probably contributed to his illness.

The combination of hunger and cold gradually sapped the strength of those in distress

When I first met her, my original shyness combined with my extreme nervousness prevented me from even speaking to her.

The dish's moderate spiciness combined with its savory aroma whetted my appetite.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N1 文法一覧

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