文法-意味 grammar meaning
~か(反語:rhetorical question)
I'm not going to listen to that guy.
"ka" is used in the form "[affirmative sentence] + ka" to emphasize the speaker's opinion that he or she (will) never ~.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. あんなやつに負けるか!
I want to be a person of filial piety soon.
2. 努力してないあいつがあの大学に受かるものか。
How can that guy who didn't try hard get into that university?
3. 誰があんなやつを信頼するか。
Who would trust a guy like that?
4. こんな中途半端であきらめてたまるか。
I'm never going to give up halfway through something like this.
接続 formation
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Do you think I would tell such a stupid lie? Think about it.
Do you think I would give up on such a small failure?
Who would be offended by such things?
I don't tell you how to do it. You steal how to do it by watching.
How can I be fooled by such a poor attempt?
I would never lose to a guy like that!
I'm not going to let this end up as a failure!
My girlfriend would never cheat on me.
No matter how hard you try, how can you become a doctor?
Who would be so foolish as to tell the whole story honestly?
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