「限り」の文法 grammar
~ 限り(範囲・範囲の限界まで)
As far as I have heard, there are not many good rumors about that company.
We loaded up as many supplies as we could and headed for the disaster area.
①「X 限りY」の形で、「Y」という判断が「X」という限られた範囲からの判断であると示すために使われる。「X」には「見る、聞く、知る」などの知覚に関わる動詞が使われることが多い。
②「X 限りY」の形で、「X」という範囲の限界まで「Y」するという意味で使われる。「X」には動詞の可能形が使われることが多い。
① "kagiri" is used in the form "X kagiri Y" to indicate that the judgment "Y" is from the limited scope of "X". The "X" is often used with verbs related to perception, such as "見る,聞く, or 知る.
② "kagiri" is used in the form "X kagiri Y" in the sense of to do "Y" to the limit of the range of "X". The potential form of the verb is often used for "X."
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「X 限り Y」は、「Y」という判断が「X」という「その人物の知覚・経験した範囲から導き出した判断」であることを示します。
1. 私の見た限り、どこも故障してなさそうです。
As far as I saw, nothing seems to be malfunctioning anywhere.
2. 私が食べた限りでは、あの店のチャーハンが都内で一番おいしい。
As far as I have eaten, their fried rice is the best in Tokyo.
用法①において「X 限りではY」のように、後ろに「では」が接続する形がよく使われます。特に、その判断があくまでも個人の経験した範囲からのものであると、控え目に言いたいときなどに使われます。
3. 私の調べた限りでは、どこも問題なさそうですね。
As far as I checked, it doesn't seem to be a problem anywhere.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
「X 限り Y」の形で、「Y」という行為を「X」という範囲の限界まで行うと言いたいときに使われます。「X」には能力的なことが入り、動詞の可能形が良く使われます。
4. 私達は体力の続く限り走り続けた。
We kept running as long as our stamina would allow.
5. 私が教えられる限りのことは、全て彼に教えたつもりです。
I have taught him as much as I can teach him.
接続 formation
V + 限り
V + 限り
N の + 限り
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
As far as I could see, there was nothing wrong with your proposal.
As far as I know, no one has ever gotten better at a language with just one hour of study a week.
As far as I can remember, he never missed a day of school.
As far as the story I hear about it, I think he's in the wrong.
As far as I researched, no similar service has been offered by any company yet.
I try to stay away from him as much as possible.
I have told him everything I can tell him, so I think it is okay to leave the rest to him.
With as much luggage as they could carry, the inhabitants evacuated the village to escape the war.
I waited as long as I could for him in this cold weather, but he never showed up.
I am already over 70 years old, but I hope to continue this work as far as my physical strength will allow.
角田三枝(2005)『動詞「限ル」とその派生形 : 接続表現、文末表現、モダリティと文法化』
宮岡大, 上山あゆみ (2017)『多品詞語カギリのアノテーションとガイドライン』
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