文法-意味 grammar meaning
N をものともせず
In the face of difficulties, he made it through to the end.
「N をものともせず~」の「N」には、「~」で述べる行為の遂行を「普通は困難/不可能にさせるもの」が入ります。そして、その行為を行う人がそれに負けずに、または、それを気にもしないで、その行為を行うという意味を表します。
"omonotomosezu" is used in the form of "N omonotomosezu ~," where "N" is something that "normally makes it difficult/impossible" to carry out the action described in "~". And it means that the person who performs the action does so despite that "N" to do so, without being defeated by it, or even caring about it.
【文法解説】Grammar point :
「N をものともせず~」の「N」には、「~」で述べる行為の遂行を「普通は困難/不可能にさせるもの」が入ります。そして、その行為を行う人がその「普通は困難/不可能にさせるもの」があるにもかかわらず、それに負けずに、または、それを気にもしないで、その行為を行うという意味を表します。
1. 彼らはこの暑さをものともせず、5時間歩き続けた。〇
In faced with this heat, they continued walking for five hours.
2. 私は困難をものともせずに、最後までやりとげました。✖
In the face of difficulties, I made it through to the end.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
3. 体格差をものともしないで、彼は2つ上の階級のボクサーに勝利した。
He defeated a boxer two classes above him, defying the difference in size.
4. 体格差をものともせずに、彼は2つ上の階級のボクサーに勝利した。
He defeated a boxer two classes above him, defying the difference in size.
接続 formation
N + をものともせず(に)
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
People were impressed by the way he pushed forward without regard to the difficulties he faced.
She played her normal game well, despite the pressure, and won the tournament.
They work long hours under the scorching sun, despite the heat.
He did not care about the criticisms of those around him but simply followed the path he believed in.
Despite his age of 80, the elderly man successfully completed a full marathon.
Oda's forces were victorious over the enemy army, despite the 10-fold difference in force.
Defying danger, the boy jumped into the sea to save his friends.
She has received job offers from a number of companies, despite the current difficulties in finding a job.
He grew up to be a respectable man, despite his terrible family environment.
She continues to work hard to make her research a success, despite repeated failures.
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