~なくもない/ないでもない【文法-N1 Grammar】

文法-意味  grammar meaning



If I cut back on living expenses, It's not impossible for me to live on this salary.



"~ なくもない/ないでもない" is used to express that the possibility, habit, or thought is not entirely zero (there is some degree of it, or it exists to some extent).

Grammar point】



1. そのよごれ、業務用ぎょうむよう洗剤せんざい使つかなくもないです。
If you use a commercial detergent, it is not impossible to remove that stain.

2. あなたも手伝てつだってくれるなら明日あしたあさまでにわらなくもないですよ。
If you also help me, it’s not impossible to finish it by tomorrow morning.

3. いまからでもはしたらつぎ電車でんしゃなくもないよ。
If you run now, it's not impossible to catch the next train.



4. ゴルフをやらなくもないんですが、はじめたばかりなのであまり上手じょうずじゃないです。
Not that I don't play golf, but I just started and I'm not very good at it.


5. そうわれてみれば、かれとどこかでったことがあるがしなくもない
.Now that you mention it, I feel like somehow I might have met him somewhere before.

6. あのときべつみちえらんでいればわたし人生じんせいちがっていたのではとおもなくもない
I think to some extent that my life might have turned out differently if I had taken another path then.




7. 料理りょうりつくなくもないけど、時間じかんもかかるしいつもコンビニでませちゃう。
It is not that I can't cook, but it takes a lot of time and I always get something from a convenience store.

8. 自分じぶん修理しゅうりできなくもないけど、業者ぎょうしゃたのんだほうがらくだからそうした。
Not that I couldn't fix it myself, but it was easier to ask a contractor to do it, so I did so.



接続   formation

 V(ない) + でもない /  V(な  + くもない

 N が + ないでもない/なくもない

例文  example sentences

I don't really want to join that drinking party, but if it's free, I won't mind joining.

What he did is unforgivable, but if he sincerely apologizes, I wouldn't mind forgiving him.

This job can be done in a week if I try my best, but I have other work to do, so I need a month before the deadline.

I can buy it at this price, but I am hesitant to make a quick decision.

We could have a party at our house, but we are worried about the noise, so we try to have the party somewhere else.

I don't say I can't speak English, but I am not confident in it.

I feel that way, indeed, if you put it that way.

I don't deny your feelings, but let's bow our heads and apologize honestly.

I sometimes wonder a bit if it would be easier if I could escape from the harsh environment I am in now.


A: おさけはよくむんですか?
Do you often drink alcohol?

B: なくもないけど、たまにですね。
I drink, but only occasionally.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N1 文法一覧

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