【JLPT N1 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning



Ten or twenty minutes late is understandable, but to be an hour late for a meet-up is insane.


用法A ならまだしも B

" ~naramadashimo" is used to say that "A" is undesirable but still acceptable/understandable, but "B" is absolutely unacceptable/unintelligible. It is also used to say that "A" is not impossible, but "B" is absolutely impossible.

文法解説】Grammar point 1:

「A ならまだしも B」

「A」= 好ましくないがまだ許容/理解できる内容、頑張ればできる内容
「B」= 絶対に許容/理解できない内容、絶対に無理な内容


1. 子供こどもならまだしも大人おとなになってそんなこともらないなんてなさけないよ。
If you were a child, it's understandable, but to grow up and not know such a thing is pathetic.


2. ハーフマラソンならまだしも、フルマラソンを完走かんそうするなんてぼくには無理むりだ。
A half marathon might be possible, but finishing a full marathon is impossible for me.

接続  formation

V(普通形) + ならまだしも

 イ形(普通形) + ならまだしも

 ナ形(普通形) + ならまだしも

 N(普通形)  + ならまだしも

 N+助詞  + ならまだしも

例文 example sentences

By the end of this month might be possible, but it is definitely not possible to do it by this week.

One day is OK, but three days in a row of going for drinks and coming home late is a bit hard to understand.

Just being absent from a meeting is okay, but being absent without notifying us is a little crazy.

Once is fine, but if you lie to me again and again, there's no way I can trust you.

Ten years ago, it might have been okay, but if you made such a statement on TV today, you would be immediately criticized.

I can understand if it was done by a newcomer, but I cannot believe that you, a veteran, would make such a mistake.

If it is just the heat, it is possible to bear, but when the humidity is also high, it is very difficult to bear without an air conditioner.

If he apologized for being late, it is okay. But he did not even apologize, blaming others for his tardiness.

Just giving a presentation is fine, but being asked to give a presentation in English is a bit of a burden for me.

Only one is fine, but going shopping with two young children can be quite tough.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N1 文法一覧

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