文法-意味 grammar meaning
I was born to achieve something.
「~ んがために」は、「~しようとするために」と言う意味で、後ろで述べる行為の目的を述べるために使われます。かなり古い感じのする表現で、日常会話では用いられない。
" ~ ngatameni" is used to state the purpose of the action. It is an expression that sounds quite old-fashioned and is not used in everyday conversation.
【文法解説】Grammar point :
1. 皆を救わんがために、彼は自らの命を犠牲にした。
He sacrificed his own lifeto save everyone.
2. 彼は自分の権力を誇示せんがため、巨大な銅像を建てさせた。
He had a huge statue erected to show off his power.
3. その噂は彼を陥れんがための作り話に過ぎないだろう。
The rumor is probably just a fiction to bring him down.
接続 formation
V(ない形):ない + んがため
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
It is no exaggeration to say that he devoted his life to the accomplishment of this great national project.
He would use any dirty means to gain status and honor.
Did not the king impose this impossible task on us in order to punish us?
In order to avoid prosecution, the politician blamed his secretary for all the crimes..
To save people, the high monk prays every day.
We must fight to win the right to freedom.
He crossed the ocean and came to the U.S. to learn the advanced technology of the West.
He sacrificed his own life to save the life of a loved one.
Selfish crimes committed for the sake of fulfilling one's own desires should be severely punished.
In this inferior position, the only way to win against the enemy was to use a strange strategy.