文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ にひきかえ
In contrast to last summer's record-breaking heat wave, this summer has been very cool and pleasant.
「A にひきかえ B」の形で、「B」という事象が「A」という事象と対照的であると述べるために使われます。
It is used in the form "A nihikikae B" to state that the event "B" is in contrast to the event "A."
接続 formation
N + にひきかえ
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Although they are both new hires, Yamada-kun has been getting more and more contracts since his first year, while Sato-kun has yet to get a single contract.
At the party yesterday, he was alone in a corner, looking bored, while she was actively talking to everyone.
My wife's company rarely works overtime, but in contrast, my company sometimes requires me to work even on holidays.
In contrast to last year, when the company posted its largest loss since its establishment, this year started off on a positive note.
In contrast to the city, where the air is polluted, this place is rich in nature and the air is delicious, and I would like to live in a place like this in my old age.
In contrast to his older brother, who excels in every test, his younger brother does not do so well.
In contrast to last year's bumper crop, wheat production is expected to be about half of what it was in previous years.
In contrast to the bustling center of the city, the surrounding areas are depopulated.
In contrast to neighboring countries that show high economic growth rates every year, our country's economy has been stagnant for more than 30 years.
In contrast to yesterday's warm weather, today's temperature is expected to be as cold as late December.
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