文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ の至り
I am truly honored that my work has been selected for such a prestigious award.
「至り」には最大の一番のという意味があり、「N の至り」は、「とてつもなく Nだ」と程度の甚だしさを強調して言いたい時に使われます。
"至り" means the utmost, and "N の 至り" is used to emphasize the enormity of the degree.It is a very formal expression, and is used in formal speeches.
【文法解説】Grammar point :
「N の至り」は非常に硬い表現で、フォーマルな場でのスピーチなどで主に使われ、日常会話ではほとんど使われない。
接続 formation
N + の至り
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
It is the greatest honor to receive such a prestigious award.
It is the greatest pleasure for me to receive such a compliment from such a great man.
We are truly grateful for your concern for us.
It was extremely negligent that they neglected to perform routine safety checks and caused such a serious accident, and there is no excuse they can make for this.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your continued support.
We are very happy to hear of the marriage of your son.
I am deeply sorry to hear that he lost his family in the accident and also all of his money.
We are truly in awe of his energy and leadership.
It was absolutely embarrassing, and I cannot begin to express how sorry I am for the inconvenience caused by our mistake.
It is extremely foolish to ruin one's life for the sake of a momentary desire.
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