文法-意味 grammar meaning
I am calling because I would like to confirm something about the contents of the documents you have applied for.
"~ shidaida" is used to explain to someone how and why something came to be the way it is. It’s a very formal expression.
【Grammar point】
■ その他の用法
1. 予約に空きができ次第、ご連絡いたします。
We will contact you as soon as there is room for your reservation.
2. 子供がちゃんとした大人になるかは、親の教育次第だ。
It depends on how parents educate their children to become decent adults.
3. 次第に辺りは暗くなっていった。
Gradually, the area grew darker.
接続 formation
V(た/辞) + 次第だ/次第です
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I came here today to ask for your opinion on the issue.
I am contacting you today to inform you that the results of the examination you recently underwent are available.
It has taken us a very long time to investigate, which is why this publication has been delayed.
I am very busy, so I declined his offer, even though it was very kind of him to offer it.
I came here to see if there is anything I can do to help.
Without your help, we will not be able to get through this difficult situation, and we sincerely ask for your assistance.
As a result of our steady investigative activities, we were able to secure a suspect.
If no one else will do it, I have no choice but to change things myself, and that is why I have decided to run for office this time.
The conclusion of this treaty is the result of many years of tireless diplomatic efforts.
In order to continue to contribute to society through our activities, we hereby request that you make a donation.
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