文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ といったところだ
From what I saw, I would guess his age to be around 40 years old.
” ~toittatokoro” is used to state a judgment based on the speaker's subjectivity and in a non-judgmental manner. It is used to describe an approximate quantity, an evaluation of a certain degree, or some sort of stage/listing/metaphor.
【文法解説】Grammar point :
1. 明日のパーティの参加者はだいたい50人から60人といったところでしょう。
I would say that tomorrow's party will be attended by approximately 50 to 60 people.
2. 最近できた近所のラーメン屋に行ってみましたが、味は可もなく不可もなくといったところですかね。
I went to a neighborhood ramen restaurant that was recently opened, and I would say that the taste was neither good nor bad.
3. サクラも少しづつ咲き始め、東京もいよいよ春本番といったところです。
Cherry blossoms are starting to bloom little by little, and Tokyo is finally in the full swing of spring.
4. 日本代表チームに確実に選ばれそうなのは、山田、鈴木、佐藤といったところでしょう。
Those who are certain to be selected for the national team are Yamada, Suzuki, Sato, and so on.
5. 彼の性格を一言で表すなら、大きな赤ちゃんといったところだ。
If I had to describe his personality in one word, it would be big baby.
接続 formation
数詞+助数詞 + といったところ
N + といったところ
副詞 + といったところ
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I guess it takes about 15 minutes to walk to Shinjuku station from here.
From the state of the body, I guess the victim was killed between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m. yesterday.
The number of tanks possessed by the enemy is thought to be somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000.
I did not study that hard, so I guess my performance on this exam is so-so.
Changing the flow of the game in an instant is indeed an ace.
We have made this much progress in one week, I would say that is not bad.
Now that both of my sons are in college, I am finally kind of at the end of my child-rearing career.
With only three episodes left in this popular TV drama, I would say that the story is reaching its climax.
When I visited the restaurant late at night, there were almost no customers and the store was about to close.
Popular sports are like baseball, soccer, and sumo.
The potential study abroad destinations are like the U.S., the U.K., and Canada.
The lion's imposing stance was like truly the king of all beasts.
She dedicated her life to the service of others and was like a Japanese version of Mother Teresa.
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