文法-意味 grammar meaning
V(ます)+ かねる
He had been unable to decide who would be his successor.
"V+kaneru" means that "cannot V " and is often used especially to express the meaning of "I′m willing to do it, but I can't V". Therefore, it is also used as a polite expression when refusing someone's request, etc.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. お店の中ではたばこを吸いかねます。✖
You cannot smoke in the restaurant.
2. その日は出張で大阪にいるので、会議には参加しかねます。✖
On that day I will be in Osaka on a business trip so I will not be able to attend the meeting.
3. お支払い完了後のキャンセルはお受けいたしかねます。
We cannot accept cancellations after payment has been completed.
4. 申し訳ありませんが、そのような意見には同意しかねます。
I’m afraid I cannot agree with such an opinion.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
5. 彼が困っているの見かねて、先生が声をかけてあげた。
Unable to just watch him in distress, the teacher talked to him.
6. 観客たちは、そのミュージシャンの登場を、今か今かと待ちかねていた。
The audience was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the musician.
接続 formation
V(ます形) :ます+かねる
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
The president could not decide whether to sell that business.
Tomorrow is finally the long-awaited wedding day.
I was huddled on the side of the road because of a stomachache, and the person who saw me and approached me is my husband today.
He did not want to see his parents' disappointed faces, so he could not tell them about it for a while after he failed the exam.
Unable to endure the day after day of torture, he finally revealed the organization's secrets to his enemies.
I’m afraid I cannot answer private questions that are not related to my work.
I’m afraid I can't agree with what you just said, and
Please take care of your valuables by yourself. We are afraid that we cannot take responsibility for thefts that occur in our facility.
I'm afraid I cannot accept such a request.
We are sorry, but we are unable to respond to your request.
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