文法-意味 grammar meaning
There will be rain showers in places from tonight to tomorrow morning.
When you want to describe an approximate range of time or place, ”N1 kara N2nikakete" is used to mean from " N1 (= starting point)" to " N2 (= ending point)".
Grammar point 1 :
〇 今日は3時から4時まで英語のクラスがあります。
There will be an English class from 3:00 to 4:00 today.
✖ 今日は3時から4時にかけて英語のクラスがあります。
〇 梅の花は2月中旬から3月上旬にかけて咲きます。
The plum blossoms bloom from mid-February to early March.
△ 梅の花は2月中旬から3月上旬まで咲きます。
Grammar point 2 :
「~にわたって」は範囲を表す言葉(e.g.5時間)と共に使われ、「~から~にかけて」は、始点、終点を表す言葉(e.g. 5時)と一緒に使われます。「~にわたって」はその期間・範囲が長い(広い)などのニュアンスを付加しますが、「~から~にかけて」はそのニュアンスは不可されません。
〇 二日間にわたって雨が降った。
It rained for two days.
〇 土曜日から日曜日にかけて雨が降った。
It rained from Saturday to Sunday.
接続 formation
N1 から N 2 にかけて
N1 = 時間や範囲の始点となる言葉
N2 = 時間や範囲の終点となる言葉
関連文法 related grammar
~にわり/~にわたって/~にわたる N
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N5 Grammar
例文 example sentences
・ 日本では9月から10月にかけて台風がやって来る。
In Japan, typhoons come in September and October.
The Leonid meteor shower will be visible in the eastern sky from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. tonight.
There are many used bookstores from this town to the next town.
The period between upper elementary school and junior high school is a time when children are establishing their own identities.
From the latter half of the 3rd century to the beginning of the 7th century, kofun tombs, tombs for people of high class, were built all over Japan.
This weekend, many areas from the Tohoku region to Hokkaido are expected to see heavy snowfall.
From the semifinals to the finals, every game was close and either team could have won.
This organism is found from northern Africa to the Middle East.
In the beginner to intermediate level, it is important to steadily acquire basic skills.
How much effort you put in during your twenties and thirties makes a big difference when you reach your forties.
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