文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ものだ / ~もんだ 【感慨/なつかしみ/憤慨】
Someday, if I become rich, I would like to travel all over the world.
When I was a child, I used to play on the river near my parents' house.
How dare you say such a thing to me, the head of the department?
①”~monoda/~monda" is used when the speaker states something while deeply feeling that it is.
②”~monoda/~monda" is used to recall a past habit or situation and express nostalgic feelings. It is not used for events that occurred only once.
③”V(potential-form)+monoda/monda" is used to criticize the other party in an indignant manner.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. そんなにつらい状況をよく耐え抜いたものだ。
I am amazed that you endured such a painful situation.
2. そんなにつらい状況をよく耐え抜いた。
I am amazed that you endured such a painful situation.
3. うちの息子はいつもテストの成績が悪くて、本当に困ったものだ。
My son has always done really poorly on tests and I really don't know what to do about it.
4. ぜひ一度でいいから尊敬するあの先生にお会いしたいものです。
I would love to meet that teacher whom I respect so much just once.
5. 息子には立派な大人になって欲しいものだ。
I hope that my son can become a fine adult.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
6. 子供の時、誕生日にはいつも家族そろって外食したものだ。〇
When I was a child, we always ate out together as a family on my birthday.
7. 私の15歳の誕生日には、家族そろって外食したものだ。✖
For my 15th birthday, we ate out together as a family.
【文法解説】Grammar point 3:
8. よくもまぁ、そんなに毎日毎日遅刻できるもんだ。(✖遅刻するもんだ)How can you be so late every single day?
9. よくまぁ、そんな嘘ばっかりつけるもんですね。(✖つくもんだね)How can you tell all those lies?
接続 formation
V (普通形): + ものだ
イ形 (普通形): + ものだ
ナ形 (普通形): + ものだ
関連文法 related grammar
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- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
例文 example sentences
My son will graduate from high school next month. How quickly time flies.
I would like to stay in a super luxury hotel just once before I die.
My son doesn't listen to me at all. It's a real problem.
As I found out through my own experience, the tea ceremony is truly a profound thing.
The river in this area used to be beautiful and I used to come here in the summer to swim with my friends.
When I was a child, I used to play pranks and get scolded by my teachers.
In the past, bananas were a luxury fruit and I could only eat them on special occasions.
When I was young, my seniors would yell at me for making the slightest mistake.
When I was a child, my family was poor and I used to go hungry.
How can you talk like that to the parents who raised you?
How can you talk about all of that as if it's all your achievement?
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