文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ものだ / ~もんだ 【①本質/当然】
My son, who is now in junior high school, doesn't listen to me at all.
Don't worry about it. Adolescent boys don't always listen to their parents.
When people are talking, you should shut up and listen.
①「N は~ものだ」等の形で、その「N」がどういう特徴や本質を持っているものかを、聞き手に説明する時に使われます。
①”~monoda/monda" is used in the form such as "N は ~ものだ" to explain to the listener what kind of feature or essential quality the "N" possesses.
②”~monoda/monda" is used to indirectly tell a listener to do ( or not to do ) something by saying that it is a normal thing to do as a matter of etiquette, common sense, etc.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1 :
1. 新入社員は始業時間の30分前には会社に来るものです。〇
New employees are expected to arrive at the office 30 minutes before the start of the workday.
2. 子供は親の言うことに聞くものだ。〇
Children should listen to what their parents say.
3. あなたは親の言うことを聞くものだ。✖
You should listen to what their parents say.
接続 formation
V(普通形非過去) + ものだ/もんだ
イ形(普通形非過去) + ものだ/もんだ
ナ形(普通形非過去) + ものだ/もんだ
※非過去肯定の形:だ → な
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
A: 先輩、悪いのでここのお会計私にも払わせてください。
Senpai, I feel bad, please let me pay for it too.
B: 大丈夫。こういう時は先輩が後輩におごるものだ。遠慮しなくていい。
It's okay. In times like these, it's the seniors who treat the juniors. Don't hesitate.
A: うちの息子は正直者で、隠し事なんてしてないと思います。
My son is an honest man and I don't think he has anything to hide.
B: それはあなたが気づいてないだけ。子供というのは親に平気で嘘をつくものだよ。
You just don't realize it. Children lie to their parents with impunity.
A true friend is someone who helps you when you are in trouble.
A person's true nature comes out when they are going through a tough time.
Children usually don't like green peppers, but my son loves them.
It's not enough to just make an effort. Efforts are only meaningful if they are made in the right direction.
Justice is something that changes depending on the position you are in.
Normally, if you're going to be late for an appointment, you should let the other person know in advance.
Children are supposed to be silent and listen to their parents.
When you go to the other person's house to apologize, you are supposed to bring some gift with you.
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