文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ おそれがある
There is a risk of river flooding due to typhoons.
”~osoregaaru" is used when you want to mention the possibility of something unfavorable happening.
【Grammar point】
1. 明日は大雨のおそれがあります。〇
There is a chance of heavy rain tomorrow.
2. 明日は晴天のおそれがあります。✖
There is a chance of clear skies tomorrow.
■ ~おそれはない
3. その病気は空気感染するおそれはないと考えられている。
It is not considered that there is a risk of airborne transmission of the disease.
接続 formation
V(普通形)/ Nの + おそれがある
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N4 Grammar
- JLPT N2/3 Grammar
例文 example sentences
He was detained by the police because he was considered a flight risk.
It is rumored that that company may go bankrupt due to poor management.
The volcano is in danger of erupting, so entry to the mountain is forbidden.
There is a risk of encountering a wild bear in this area.
According to the company, there is a possibility that a foreign substance may have gotten into the food already sold.
If you continue to do so, you may not be able to advance to the next grade.
This area is considered to be at risk of cliff collapses due to heavy rains.
I have been told by my doctor that this disease may recur.
Please make sure to lock your locker because there is a risk of theft.
Tomorrow, the temperature will drop dramatically, but there is no danger of snow accumulation.
備考 notes
(参考:内閣法制局 法令における漢字使用等について)
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