文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ てはいられない
The deadline for this job is next week, so there's no time to relax.
”~tewairarenai" is used in the sense of "I cannot continue in the state of ~ because of some circumstance." It is often used to say that you cannot continue to do something because you don't have the time or you are mentally incapable of doing so.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. 私も次の予定があるので、いつまでも彼のことを待ってはいられない。
I can't wait for him for ever as I have my next appointment.
2. 論文提出の期限が迫っているので、テーマがなかなか決まらないなんて悠長なことは言ってはいられない。
The deadline for submitting my thesis is approaching, so I can't afford to be so carefree about not being able to decide on a theme.
3. 彼の無様な姿を僕は見てはいられなかったよ。
I couldn't watch him in his misery.
4. 先生があまりに理不尽な理由で、クラスメイトを叱るので、私は黙ってはいられなかった。
The teacher was scolding my classmates for reasons that were so unreasonable that I could not keep quiet.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
5. そんな小さなこといちいち覚えていられないよ。
I can't remember every little thing like that.
6. 私の家族まで侮辱しないでくれ。もうこれ以上は黙ってられないよ。
Don't even insult my family. I can't keep silent any longer.
7. こんな緊急時に、そんな小さなことを気にしてなんかいられない。
In an emergency like this, I couldn't care about such a small thing.
接続 formation
V(て形) て/で + はいられない
N + ではいられない
関連文法 related grammar
~ わけにはいかない
- JLPT N2 Grammar
例文 example sentences
It's already nine o'clock. There's no time to relax. I have to get ready to go out.
・ いつまでも、彼が来るのを待ってはいられないので、先に出発しましょう。
We can't wait forever for him to come to us, so let's leave first.
I couldn't just sit back and watch him get bullied.
He is not one to sit still when he sees someone in need.
I have other things to do this evening, so I can't relax for too long.
We don't know when the earthquake will hit again, so we can't rest easy.
I failed the last exam, but I can't stay depressed forever. I will work hard for the next exam.
I couldn't stay a NEET forever, so I decided to look for a job.
I have some work to finish by the end of the month, so I can't afford to take any time off.
My parents are old enough that I can't keep relying on them forever.
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