文法-意味 grammar meaning
N という N
All houses in this area were destroyed by that earthquake.
I don't have any particular story to tell you, but since I was in the neighborhood, I came to show my face.
①「N という N」の形で前後に同じ名詞を用い、全部の「N」であるということや、あるいは「N」がたくさんあるということを強調して聞き手に伝えたい時に使われます。
②「N という N~ない」の形で否定文の中で前後に同じ名詞を用いて使われ、本当の「N」と呼べるような「N」ではない、本当の「N」と呼べるような「N」をしたことがない等と言いたい時に使われます。
①In the form of "N toiu N," a same noun is used before and after "toiu", to emphasize to the listener that it is all "N" or that there are many "N".
②In the form of "N toiu N," a same noun is used before and after "toiu" and in a negative sentence, to emphasize to to say that it is not a real "N," or not a "N" that you could call a real "N,".
【文法解説】Grammar point :
「N という N」は、全部の「N」ということや、「N」の数が多いということを強調して言いたい時に使われます。
1. その会場は人という人で溢れかえっていた。
The venue was overflowing with many people.
「N という N」は、本当の「N」と呼べるような「N」ではないということを言いたい時に使われます。否定文の中で使われ、例文3のような言い方はされません。
2. 休憩という休憩はとらずに、12時間働き続けた。〇
We worked for 12 hours straight without taking a break that could be called a break.
3. 休憩という休憩をそろそろとりましょう。✖
We worked for 12 hours straight without taking a break that could be called a break.
慣用表現 fixed expression
5. 今日という今日は絶対にあいつの秘密を暴いてやる。
Today,I will definitel uncover that guy's secret.
5. 今度という今度は、どんなに謝ってもあいつを許さないことにした。
This time, I decided not to forgive him, no matter how much he apologized.
接続 formation
N + という+ N
※ Nには同じ名詞を用いる。
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
All students complained about the change in the school's rules.
All roads were blocked off, and the culprit had lost all means of escape.
The typhoon was approaching, and all the nearby convenience stores were closed, which caused me to be in trouble.
Everyone felt sympathy for his life, which seemed to be a collection of all the bad luck in the world.
He decided to try to find a job, but was rejected by all the companies, and lost confidence in himself.
The fireworks venue was filled with so many people that it was difficult to even walk forward anymore.
The museum has a large collection of works by the famous painter.
Hearing the news of the end of the war, the town, as a whole, was in a festive mood.
He is a mountaineering expert who has climbed all mountains in Japan.
I have not had many luxuries in my life that I could call luxuries
In the 50 years since I was born, I have never had an illness that could be called a disease.
I guess he has lived his life without any real hardships that could be called hardships.
If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.