【JLPT N2 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning

 ~ というものではない/ ~というものでもない


It is not that studying blindly will immediately improve your grades.




英語】It's not that ~, not necesalilly ~, not just the matter of ~ 
”~toiumonodewanai" is used to say a partial negation (not necessarily ~) of a general/someone perception of what a thing is (its essence, nature, characteristics, etc.).

文法解説】Grammar point 1



1. レシピどおりにつくれば、おいしい料理りょうりができます。
If you follow a recipe exactly, you can make a delicious dish.

2. レシピどおつくっても、おいしい料理りょうりはできません。
Even if you follow a recipe exactly,you can't make a delicious dish.

3. レシピどおりに作れば、おいしい料理りょうりができるというものではない
It' s not that if you follow a recipe, you can always make a delicious dish.


4. 結婚けっこんすれしあわせになれるというものではない
It is not that marriage makes you happy.

5. 時間じかんをかけたらそのぶんだけ上手じょうずになるというものではない
It is not something that if you put in the time, you will only get better at it.

6. おでんは煮込にこむほどおいしくなるというものではない
Oden is not something that gets better the longer you cook it.

7. わたし日本語にほんごクラスは、絶対ぜったい毎週まいしゅう参加さんかしなければいけないというものではない
My Japanese class is not something you absolutely have to attend every week.

文法解説】Grammar point 2




8. たくさんおかねをかけてもいい映画えいがれないですよ。
You can't make a good movie by spending lots of money.

9. たくさんおかねをかけたらいい映画えいがれるというものではないですよ。
You can't make a good movie by spending lots of money.
It is not that you can make a good film if you spend a lot of money.

文法解説】Grammar point 3




10. あのチームがてたのはうんがよかったからというわけではない
It was not because of luck that that team was able to win.

11. あのチームがてたのはうんがよかったからというものではない
It was not because of luck that that team was able to win.

12. あなたのことがきらというわけではない
It is not that I don't like you.

13. あなたのことがきらというものではない
It is not that I don't like you.


14. 風邪かぜをひいたら、(かならず)ねつというものではない
A cold does not always produce a fever.

15. 風邪かぜをひいたら、(かならず)ねつというわけではない
A cold does not always produce a fever.

接続  formation


 V(普通形) + というものではない

ナ形(普通形) + というものではない

イ形(普通形) + というものではない

 N(普通形) + というものではない

- JLPT N2 Grammar

- JLPT N3 Grammar

例文 example sentences

It's not that the more expensive the restaurant, the better the food.

It's not that you shouldn't eat carbohydrates at all when you are dieting. It's just a matter of quantity.

Graduating from a good university does not necessarily mean that you will get a job at a good company.

It's not that if you become rich, you will always be happy.

Studying is not just a matter of spending a lot of time.

To make a living as an artist is not just a matter of creating good works.

Sports as a school education is not just a matter of winning a game.

You did destroy my precious things, and I don't think it's just a matter of compensating financially. Please show your sincerity.

This game was not just a matter of winning. It was important how to win for the next game.

I thought I could do it easily, but it wasn't something I could manage with confidence alone.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N2 文法一覧

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