文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ ばかり
He's always complaining.
Last night's dinner was full of food I didn't like.
【英語】always V-ing, a lot of N
”-bakari” is used to emphasize the high frequency of some action/phenomenon or the high proportion of something. Often used in a negative connotation.
【Grammar point】
■ 否定的な意味合い
1. 彼はいつも自分のことばかり考えている。〇
He's always thinking about himself.
2. 彼はいつも他人のことばかり考えている。✖
He's always thinking about others.
■ ~ばっかり,~ばっか
3. 最近は仕事ばっかりで、休む暇がないよ。
I've been working so much lately, I haven't had time to rest.
4. うちの子はいつもゲームばっかしている。
My child is always playing games.
接続 formation
N / V(辞/て) + ばかり
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I'm only studying grammar and not practicing conversation enough at all.
My boyfriend works all the time and doesn't pay attention to me at all.
Lately, I've been working overtime all the time and have no time to rest.
He's always making mistakes and he can't help it.
Eating only fast food is not good for your health.
All she does is complain and doesn't try to take action herself.
My father only loved my brother and did not show any affection to me.
You're always lying to me. I don't trust you at all.
So much homework. I've decided not to do it anymore.
備考 notes
I've never had most of these dishes before, but they all look delicious.
Since I have tried to think positively about things, a lot of good things have happened.
That restaurant is just expensive, and the food doesn't taste very good at all.
This game is just complicated and not interesting at all.
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