文法-意味 grammar meaning
V + 出す
Suddenly it started to rain.
【英語】start to V
”-dasu" is used in conjunction with other verbs, and it indicates "the beginning of some phenomenon/action." It is especially common when the thing starts suddenly or vigorously.
【Grammar point】
■ 一緒に良く使われる副詞
1. 車が突然が動き出した。
The car suddenly started to move.
2. 彼は30才を越えてから、急に太り出した。
After he turned thirty, he suddenly started to gain weight.
3. 私は何もしてないのに、彼がいきなり怒り出した。
I didn't do anything, but he suddenly started to get angry.
■ 使われない場合
I am going to start piano lessons next month.
接続 formation
V(ます) + 出す
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
He had been silent and suddenly started talking.
It might suddenly start raining, so let's take an umbrella with us.
She became anxious and finally started to cry.
When did you begin to suspect that your husband was cheating on you?
The students began to get noisy even though they were in the middle of their class.
The toilet paper that I purchased in large quantities is beginning to run out.
When you are over 40, this kind of subdued fashion will start to suit you.
Unable to take it anymore, he suddenly started screaming.
Little by little, she began to realize the truth that had been hidden.
He had been unhealthy, but suddenly began to care about his health.
備考 notes
I took milk out of the fridge.
I finally found the culprit.
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