文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ 結果
As a result of consulting with my parents, I decided to enroll in a university there.
【英語】As a result of ~, After~
"~kekka" is used to say that a certain change occurred or a certain thing has been found out after "~". Also used to say that a certain thing was decided through the process of "~".
【Grammar point】
■ 使われ方
1. みんなで話し合った結果、明日のイベントは中止することにした。
After discussing it among ourselves, we decided to cancel tomorrow's event.
2. 彼を厳しく指導した結果、彼は私のことが嫌いになった。
As a result of my harsh coaching of him, he began to dislike me.
3. アンケートの結果、うちの店で一番人気のメニューはカレーだった。
As a result of the survey, the most popular menu item at our restaurant was curry.
■ 文頭で使われる場合
4. 探偵に調査を依頼したんです。その結果、妻が浮気していることがわかりました。
.I hired a detective to investigate. As a result, I found out that my wife was having an affair.
接続 formation
V(た)/N の + 結果
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
After a detailed examination at the hospital, it was discovered that he had a certain disease.
After discussing it with the family, the family decided to follow the father on his job transfer.
As a result of the development of medical technology, diseases that could not be cured in the past can now be cured.
An examination of past records revealed that some data had been lost.
He must have developed that personality as a result of his spoiled upbringing.
The investigation revealed that the firm had been engaged in misconduct for many years.
After a vote, it was decided that he would be the next mayor.
As a result of the trial, he had to pay an alimony fee to the other party.
After consulting with him, we decided not to have a wedding.
As a result of negotiations, the company was able to purchase goods at a 10% discount from the normal price.
東條 和子(2017)『「結果」の文法化 ─接続助詞的用法を中心に─』
池上 素子(2010)『因果関係を表す「結果」の用法』
If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.