文法-意味 grammar meaning
V + きる
If you eat up all of this large curry within 30 minutes, you get 10,000 yen.
”~kiru" is used in conjunction with another verb to emphasize that an action or phenomenon is completely finished.
【Grammar point】
■ V+きれる/きれない
1. 私の体力でも5kmなら走りきれると思います。
I think I can run the whole 5km even with my physical strength.
2. 覚えることが多すぎて覚えきれない。
There are too many things to remember, and I can't remember them all.
3. 荷物がたくさんあって、鞄の中に入り(きれない)きらない。
I have a lot of luggage and it doesn't fit in my bag.
※ 動詞「入る」は無意志動詞としても意志動詞ても使われますが、この文の場合無意志動詞です。
■ 漢字表記
接続 formation
V(ます) + きる
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Don't stop halfway through the song, just sing it to the end.
Yesterday, I practiced baseball until I got completely exhausted.
This book is a bit difficult to read, but I will try to finish it.
If you don't finish it, you can't order any more drinks.
I can never give up as it is now.
My friend's mother cooked us more food than we could eat.
・ 会場に入りきらないほどの人が集まっていた。
There were so many people gathered that they could not all fit into the hall.
Countless people filled the stadium.
If you're going to give up, do it only after you've given it your all to the end.
The young man was standing there with a completely troubled look on his face.
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