文法-意味 grammar meaning
~せいで / ~せいか
I couldn't play in the game because I had been injured.
because of ~, (something bad happens)
"-seide" is used when you want to state the cause of some bad result. It cannot be used to state the reason why a good result occurred. If a speaker is not sure it is the cause, "seika" is used instead of "seide".
【Grammar point】
■ 「せいで」と「 おかげで」
理由を述べるため文型は「ので」や「から」など様々ありますが、「A せいで B」は、「B」という望ましくないことの原因が「A」であると言いたいときに使われます。
逆に、「B」という望ましいことが起こった要因が「A」であると言いたいときは「A おかげで B」を使います。
1. 先生のせいで試験に落ちた。
I failed the exam because of my teacher.
2. 先生のおかげで試験に受かった。
Thanks to my teacher, I passed the exam.
■ ~せいか
3. 風邪を引いているせいか、体がだるい。
I feel sluggish, probably because I have a cold.
■「B は A せいです」
4. 遅刻したのは、電車が遅れたせいです。
I was late because my train was late.
5. 観客が少なかったのは、宣伝の仕方が悪かったせいだ。
The reason why the audience was small was because of the poor advertising.
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形) + せいで / せいか
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Because of my lack of explanation, she misunderstood me.
I had a hard time because of this disaster.
Because my room is so dirty, I can't find what I need right away.
Because I’m so busy with work, it's hard to make time to see her.
Parents' constant meddling has discouraged their children.
Maybe it's because I got old, I can't get rid of my fatigue.
I didn’t wake up well, maybe because I drank too much last night.
Perhaps because of the rain, there were fewer customers than usual today.
Maybe it is because I ate too much lunch, I've been feeling sleepy since a while ago.
The reason I got scolded by my teacher is you.
The reason you did not pass the exam was that you did not try hard enough.
・三浦佑子(2007)複文における複合接続助詞の機能- 「せいで」・「おかげで」について一
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