文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ と / ~ たら (用法③:発見)
I turned on the TV and found a soccer game on.
I got home and found there was no one there.
「A と/たら B」は、「A」という行為の結果、「B」ということを発見したり、気づいたりしたと言いたい場合に使われます。
”A to/tara B" is used when you want to say that you have discovered or noticed "B" as a result of an action "A". "to" is used primarily in written language, while "tara" is used primarily in conversation.
【文法解説】Grammar point
■ 発見の用法とは?
発見の用法は、何らかの状態を発見したり、認識したりした状況を述べることができます。具体的には「A と/たら B」の「B」に、発見したり、認識した状態を述べ、「A」にその発見するに至った行為を述べて使います。
1. 今朝、会社に来たら、机の上に手紙が置いてあった。〇
When I came to the office this morning, I found a letter on my desk.
2. 外を見ると、たくさんの子供が校庭で遊んでいた。〇
I looked outside and saw a lot of children playing in the schoolyard.
■ よくある間違い
「と」「たら」は、何かを新たに発見したり、気づいたことを言いたい時に使われますが、「A と/たら B」の「B」には「発見した」「気づいた」といった「A」の動作主の動作を述べるのではなく、発見したり気づいたしたその状態を述べます。*2
5. 私がその箱を開けると、宝石を発見した。✖
I opened that box and found a jewel inside.
6. 玄関のドアをを開けたら、外に知らない人が立っているのに気付いた。✖
I opened the front door and found a stranger standing outside.
接続 formation
V(辞書形) + と
V(た) + ら
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I looked up at the night sky and saw that it was full of stars.
When we reached the summit, we were greeted with an amazing view.
I opened the door and found the room a mess.
When I woke up, I found a woman I had never seen before standing there.
I got home from school and found that my mother had already gone out.
I opened the package and found it was a birthday present for me.
When I returned to my hometown after a long absence, I found that the hometown had completely changed.
I opened the refrigerator and found nothing inside.
I bought some snacks at that store and found that they were expired.
I bought a brand new PC at an electronics store and found it was discounted by 30%.
備考 notes
When I actually met him, he was not such a jerk.
He opened the door and found the room empty.
He opened the door and found the room empty.
If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.