文法-意味 grammar meaning
I will give each person four of these candies.
”~zutsu" indicates that when something is divided into equal quantities, the quantity of that distribution is "~.” It is also used to say that some action is repeated for each quantity of "~".
【Grammar point】
1. 一人5分ずつ好きなことについて発表してください。
Each person should give a 5-minute presentation about what you like.
2. 政府から各家庭に10万円ずつ配られた。
The government distributed 100,000 yen to each family.
3. ゆっくりでいいから、一歩ずつゴールに向かって進もう。
It's OK to take it slow, but let's take one step at a time toward the goal.
4. 1個ずつ商品に汚れがないか確かめてください。
Please check each item one by one to make sure it is clean.
接続 formation
数詞+助数詞 + ずつ
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Please come to the front one at a time and introduce yourself.
In my company, each employee is provided with one smartphone.
We cut up the cake we had bought and each of us ate one-third of it.
Our products are made one by one by craftsmen with their hearts and minds.
I try to learn 10 Japanese words every day.
This product has 5 packs in each box, so if you buy 10 boxes, you will have 50 packs in total.
Apply one drop of this eyedrop to the right eye and one drop to the left eye.
Little by little, a glimmer of hope began to appear.
Although it is only little by little, I feel like my medical condition is getting better.
This food should be given in small amounts, not all at once.
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