このサイトについて about this site
This site is for learners of Japanese. It is mainly about JLPT grammar explanations. When you are learning Japanese, you may not find detailed explanations in textbooks or other sources. I hope you will find it useful in such cases. I will try to make the explanations more detailed and easier to understand.
I have been updating this site while giving Japanese lessons and classes, and it is taking a long time. I started building this site around the beginning of 2021 and have now put 313 items on it (as of May 2023).It will take more time to complete.
If you have any grammar questions, please ask them in the comments section at the bottom of each page. I will do my best to respond. I would also appreciate it if you could point out any mistakes you find. Of course, just supportive comments are welcome.
このサイトの作成者について about me
プライベートレッスン(オンライン or in Portsmouth)を希望の方、何かお問合せがある方はContact Formからお願いいたします。
My name is Masaoki and I am the writer/creator of this website. I usually have Japanese classes for students from various countries in my own classroom or give private lessons. I also sometimes give Japanese language training for companies. I have been teaching Japanese for about 8 years.
If you would like to have a private lesson (online or in Portsmouth) or have any inquiries, please contact me from the following page.