~こそ~が【文法-JLPT N1 Grammar】

「~こそ~が」の文法 grammar

 ~こそ ~が 


I have no money, but I am enjoying life in my own way.


英語although, but
”~koso ...ga" is a phrase used to admit one aspect while simultaneously stating something that contradicts it.

Grammar point】


1. この冷蔵庫れいぞうこきずこそいくつかついている動作どうさまった問題もんだいありません。
This refrigerator has a few scratches but works perfectly fine.

2. いま仕事しごとやすこそあまりないけれど給料きゅうりょうはいいので満足まんぞくしている。
My current job doesn't offer much time off, but the pay is good, so I'm satisfied.

接続  formation

 N   こそ ~ が

 Vます  こそするが

 ナadj   でこそあるが

関連文法 related grammar

例文 example sentences

The vegetables here look bad, but taste very good, just like regular ones.

He doesn't get good grades, but he has a nice, bright personality.

This food does not smell good, but it tastes exceptional.

I was late, but I completed and submitted the report properly.

I didn't find a job after graduating from college, but I don't live like a NEET every day.

This wound is painful, but probably not enough to warrant a trip to the hospital.

I talk to him when I see him, but I am not particularly close to him.

This apartment is a little old on the outside, but the inside has been remodeled and is beautiful.

The hotels there are a bit pricey but well worth the price.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N1 文法一覧

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