文法-意味 grammar meaning
Which do you prefer, meat or fish?
「どちら」は、「A と B、どちらが~」などの形で、聞き手に「A と B」という選択肢の中から選んでもらうときに使われます。原則的には、2つの物や人の中から選ぶときに使われます。
”dochira" is used to ask the listener to choose between the options A and B in the form "A to B,, dochiraga ~" and so on. In principle, it is used to choose between two things or people.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「どちら」は、2つの物や人1の中から選ぶときに使われる言葉です。その選択肢は「A と B」という形で提示され、聞き手に尋ねるときは以下のように「A と B どちら+助詞 ~」という形で使われることが多いです。
The word "dochira" means "which" and is used when choosing between two things or people. The choice is presented as the form "A to B," and when asking a listener, in many cases it is used in the form "A to B dochira + particle ~" as in the following examples.
A と B 、どちら+助詞
1. 犬と猫、どちらが好きですか?
Which do you prefer, dogs or cats?
2. AさんとBさん、どちらがお金持ちですか?
Which one is richer, Mr. A or Mr. B?
「A と B」のように2つの選択肢が提示されているときには、何、いつ、どこ、誰といった疑問詞を使うことができず、「どちらが」が使われます。
When two options have been presented, the question words like "what," "when," "where," and "who" cannot be used, and "dochira" is used.
3. 秋と冬、いつが好きですか?✖
Which do you prefer, fall or winter?
4. AさんとBさん、誰が来ますか?✖
Who is coming, Mr. A or Mr. B?
When "dochira" is used in an adjective/noun sentence, particle "ga" is used. When it is used in a verb sentence, various particles are used depending on the particle that the verb takes.
5. この店とあの店どちらがおいしいですか?
Which is better, this restaurant or that restaurant?
Which is your book, this book or that book?
7. ビールとワイン、どちらを注文しましか?
Which did you order, beer or wine?
8. 山田さんと佐藤さん、どちらが電話をしますか?
Who will make the call, Ms. Yamada or Mr. Sato?
9. 山田さんと佐藤さん、どちらに電話をしますか?
Who are you going to call, Mr. Yamada or Mr. Sato?
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
The word "docchi" is used with the same meaning as "dochira". However, "dochira" is more polite than "docchi".
10. 東京タワーとスカイツリー、どっちが高いですか?
Which is taller, Tokyo Tower or Sky Tree?
When choosing between three or more options, "docchi" and "dochira" are not used in principle, and "dore" or other question words are used.
11. 東京と大阪と京都、どこに行きたいですか?〇
Where would you like to go, Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto?
12. そのグループの中で誰が人気ですか?〇
Who is popular among that group?
However, "dochira" is sometimes used in situations where the speaker wants to be polite and present three or more options to choose from. *Some dictionaries and textbooks consider the use of "either" in this case incorrect.
13. どちらの商品をご希望ですか?
Which product would you like?
Instead of "docira" and "docchi", "dochiranohou" or "docchinohou" is sometimes used.
■ 後ろの名詞を修飾する場合には「どちらの N「どっちのN」という形でも使われます。
It is also used in the form "dochira no N/ docchi no N" when modifying a noun behind.
14. 野球とサッカー、どちらのスポーツが好きですかすか?
Which sport do you prefer, baseball or soccer?
■選択肢を提示する形には色々な形がり、「A と B、どちら~」以外にも「AとBのどちら~ 」という形も使われます。
There are various forms of presenting a choice, such as "A to B no dochira ~” as well as "A to B, dochira ~".
15. 肉と魚のどちらが好きですか?
Which sport do you prefer, baseball or soccer?
接続 formation
どちら + 助詞 ~
どちら の N が ~
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Which do you prefer, apples or bananas?
Which is cheaper, this store or that store?
Which would you rather play, tennis or table tennis?
Which university would you rather attend, University A or University B?
Which of your parents is coming tomorrow?
Which do you prefer, curry or ramen?
Which is more popular in your country, soccer or baseball?
Which would you rather do, skydive or bungee jump?
Which is taller, your older brother or you?
Which would you prefer to visit, Osaka or Kyoto?
Which did you choose, A or B lunch?
If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.