文法-意味 grammar meaning
He has been ditching school a lot lately.
たくさん Vする
何度も Vする
"V+makuru" is used when the speaker wants to emphasize the high frequency or large amount of repetition of the action V, the vigorousity/intensity of the action V, or the state or degree of change is extreme.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. 彼は今日の試合でヒットを打ちまくった。
He got a lot of hits in the game today.
2. なくした財布を探しまくったが、結局見つからなかった。
I looked all over for my lost wallet, but never found it.
3. 庭に雑草が生えまくっている。
Weeds are growing all over the yard.
4. 昔に比べ、結婚式をあげないカップルが増えまくっているそうだ。
Compared to the past, the number of couples who do not hold weddings has increased considerably.
接続 formation
V(ます形) : ます + まくる
ない形 → 食べまくらない
ます形 → 食べまくります
辞書形 → 食べまくる
ば形 → 食べまくれば
意向形 → 食べまくろう
て形 → 食べまくって
た形 → 食べまくった
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I'm hungover today because I drank a lot of alcohol at yesterday's party.
I had to ask my boss many times to transfer me overseas.
Because I studied hard, I was able to get into my target university.
I asked around to everyone I knew and managed to get that person's contact information
I tried a little prank on him and he snapped a lot.
My book, which was published recently, is selling better than expected.
His business seems to be doing well these days and he is making quite a bit of money.
I was so worried about what to do, but I finally decided to break up with him after all.
According to his friends from school, he was very popular at that time.
Japan's national soccer team has been winning many games against strong opponents recently.

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