文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ をもって
As of today, I am leaving this company where I have worked for 35 years.
If you wish to resign from the company, you must communicate your intention in writing.
It is a bit premature to conclude that he is the culprit based solely on the fact that he does not have an alibi.
"~ omotte" It is a formal expression used mainly in writing and f speech in place of the particle "de". It is used in the following meanings.
① at the date of ~, by the date of ~,
② by means of ~, with ~
③ on the basis of~
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. あの人気店は先月をもって閉店した。
As of last month, that popular restaurant closed its doors.
2. 閉会式をもって、オリンピックはその全ての日程を終える。
With the Closing Ceremony, the Olympic Games will conclude its entire schedule.
3. 来年四月をもって、消費税が10%になる。
As of next April, the consumption tax will be 10%.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
3. 暴力をもって問題を解決しようとするのは如何なものか。
I think it's not right to try to solve a problem with violence.
4. 一時の感情をもって、重大な決断を下すと後で後悔することになるよ。
If you make major decisions based on temporary feelings, you'll regret it later.
接続 formation
N + をもって
N + をもちまして
関連文法 related grammar
N を限りに/N 限りで
- JLPT N1 Grammar
例文 example sentences
As of today, our 70-year old school will end its history.
As of the end of March, 〇〇 Ramen will be closed.
As of last month, that application was taken out of service.
As of April 1, a new law will go into effect.
Today's graduation ceremony marks the end of their three-year stay here.
Winners will be announced upon delivery of the products.
If you wish to cancel the contract, you must give written notice.
With his exceptional talent, he led his team and eventually won the national championship.
With his skillful eloquence, he successfully persuaded those who opposed him.
It seems that the samurai of old had the idea of atoning for their sins with death.
He tends to judge people by their titles.
I think it is unwise to assume that he is not capable based on a single failure.

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