文法-意味 grammar meaning
N たるもの
As a leader, you should always set an example for others.
「N たるもの」は「N」という職業、立場に必要な規範や心構えを説く時などに使われる表現。後ろには、「べき」「当然といった表現が良く使われる。
"~ tarumono" is an expression used when explaining the norms and attitudes required for the occupation or position of "N." It is often followed by expressions such as "べき" and "当然”.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. 教師たるもの、生徒を平等に扱うのが当然である。
As a teacher, it is natural to treat students equally.
2. 上司たるもの、部下の相談は親身に聞くべきである。
As a supervisor, you should kindly listen to the concerns of your subordinates.
3. 武士たるもの、死を恐れてはいけない。
A samurai should not fear death.
接続 formation
N + たるもの
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
As a teacher, one must always strive for self-improvement and constantly study oneself.
As professional athletes, we must not lack in taking care of our physical condition on a regular basis.
As a manager, you must always keep your eyes on the information and be sensitive to the world's trends.
What kind of parent can't at least see through their children's lies?
It is natural for a samurai to sometimes risk his life in service to his lord.
It is natural for an announcer to be able to read such kanji.
As the prime minister of a country, it is natural that he or she should be able to make a speech that attracts the public.
As scientists, we should not be misled by unsubstantiated discourse.
As a monarch, you should always be feared by your subordinates.
Until recently, it was a matter of course for working people to subscribe to a newspaper.
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