文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ じゃあるまいし
It's not the end of the world, don't be so depressed just because she dumped you.
「~じゃあるまいし」は「~ というのなら理解できるが、そうではないのだから」と言いたい時に使われます。特に聞き手に非難、忠告、アドバイスなどをするときに使われることが多い。
"~ jyaarumaishi" is used when one wants to say, "I would understand if it were ~, but it isn't." It is especially used when giving accusations, warnings, or advice to listeners.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「N じゃあるまいし」は非難(例文1)又は忠告/アドバイス(例文2)をする時によく使われる。話し手の意見や判断を述べる時(例文3)にも使われるが、相手の考えを強く否定している感じがするので目上の者に対しては基本的に使われない。
1. 子供じゃあるまいし、自分の意見が通らなかったからってすねるなよ。
You're not a child, don't be sulky just because people don't agree with your opinion.
2. 大学生じゃあるまいし、吐くまで飲んだりしないようにね。
You're not a college student, so don't drink until you throw up.
3. 今日は祝日だから、デパートの駐車場は結構混んでるかもね。
It's a holiday today, so the department store parking lots are probably pretty crowded.
ー 年末じゃあるまいし、休日といってもそこまで混んでいないだろう。
It is not the end of the year, and even if it were a holiday, it would not be that crowded.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
4. 今生の別れではあるまいし、そんなに泣かなくてもいい。
It's not a goodbye in this life, you don't have to cry so much.
5. 浮気するわけじゃあるまいし、同僚の女性と食事に行くぐらい良くない?
It's not like I'm going to cheat on my wife, so I think it's okay to go out to dinner with a female colleague, right?
接続 formation
N + じゃあるまいし
V(普通形) + わけ + じゃあるまいし
V(普通形) + ん/の + じゃあるまいし
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
You're not a child, don't cry just because someone doesn't buy you something you want.
This is not a story in a comic book, and there is no way such a thing as a time slip would happen in reality.
You're not a first-year rookie, you should at least understand that.
You're not a comedian, you don't have to try to make a punchline to every story you tell.
It's not like we're parting for life, and we'll see each other again, so don't be so sad.
Failure does not mean losing your life, so why don't you just keep trying?
I can't believe they took me to that cheap izakaya on a date. He's not a college student, doesn't he know a better place to eat?
I'm not your parent, I don't care what happens to you.
It's not yet decided that we will lose, isn't it a little too early for tears?
I'm not in elementary school, it's normal to be able to solve simple math problems like that.
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