文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ どころではない・~どころじゃない
How about we go out for a drink now?
Sounds nice. But I haven't finished the paperwork due tomorrow, so I(m not in a situation where I would go out for a drink.
”~dokorodewanai" is used when you want to explain to others that the situation is urgent or difficult and that you are not in a situation to "~".
That brand of watch is beyond expensive.
”~dokorodewanai" is used in connection with words expressing degree or quantity to emphasize that the degree is extreme.
【文法解説】Grammar point :
(1) その詐欺師に騙された被害者の数は、100人どころじゃない。
The number of victims who were cheated by that scammer is not just 100.
(2) あそこの店のカレーは辛いどころではない。辛いを通りこして、もはや痛い。
The curry at that restaurant is more than just spicy. It is beyond spicy, it is painful.
接続 formation
V(辞書形) : + どころではない
V(テ形) : ている + どころではない
N + どころではない
い形(普通形) : + どころではない
な形(普通形) : + どころではない
N : + どころではない
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
例文 example sentences
I was not in a position to work yesterday because my child had a fever in the morning and I had to take her to the hospital.
During the shopping, my son did not behave himself, so I was not in a position to take my time to shop.
At that time I was desperate to save my own life, and not in a situation where I could help others.
My mother recently became ill and I am no longer in a position to consider studying abroad.
I was too busy to think about you.
The number of people who died in this accident was not just 100.
The number of times he has cheated on me so far is not just three.
Hokkaido in midwinter is beyond cold. It's freezing hands and feet.
His room is beyond dirty, there's no place to step.
That durian candy was beyond stinky. I threw up the moment I ate it.

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