文法-意味 grammar meaning
V + ないことには(~ない)
We cannot start the meeting unless the president arrives.
【用法】A ないことには B
「A ないことには B」は「B」に否定の形(または否定的な表現)を伴い、「A」という条件が成立しなければ「B」は成立しないと言いたい時に使われます。
”A naikotoniwa B" is used to say that "B" unless the condition "A" is satisfied. A negative form or negative expression goes in the "B" position.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
I can't make a decision without consulting my supervisor.
Unless we go to the site, we will not know the details.
If you don't produce results, people will just say you are a talker.
接続 formation
動詞や「N が」の形に接続します。
V(ない形) + ことには
N が + ないことには
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
例文 example sentences
We cannot start the work unless everyone is present.
If I don't work, I cannot support my family.
Without money, there is no way to start investing.
If the economy does not improve, public dissatisfaction will not disappear.
My son will not listen to me if I don't yell at him.
After all, if you don't stop eating too much, you won't lose weight.
Their relationship will never be repaired if he does not admit his error.
Things don't start without a solid plan.
You cannot do what you want to do without being in a higher position.
Rural areas are a place where one cannot live without a car.
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