文法-意味 grammar meaning
~いかんで / ~いかんによって
~いかんでは / ~いかんによっては
Depending on how the law is interpreted, the court's ruling will differ.
Depending on the situation in the battlefield, withdrawal may be one of the decisions.
①「A いかんで/いかんによって B」の形で、Bに「変わる、決める、異なる」の動詞を伴い使われ、「A」がどうかによって何かが変わる、何かを決める等と言いたい時に使われます。
②「A いかんでは/いかんによっては B」の形で、「A」がどうかによって、「B」という可能性があると言いたい時に使われます。
It is used in the form of "A ikande/ikanniyotte B" and is accompanied by verbs such as "変わる,決める,異なる" in B. It is used to say that something changes/differ depending on "A".
It is used in the form "A ikandewa/ikannniyottewa B" to say that depending on "A", there is a possibility of "B".
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「いかんで」 vs 「いかんでは」
「A いかんで B」の場合、「B」に「変わる、決める、異なる」等の動詞が来る。
「A いかんでは B」の場合、「B」に何等かの可能性に言及する内容が来ます。
1. 学期末の成績いかんで進級できるかどうかが決まる。
It is determined whether or not a student can advance to the next grade depending on his or her performance at the end of the semester.
2. 学期末の成績いかんでは、留年もあり得る。
Depending on the results of the end of the semester exam, the student may be retained.
接続 formation
N + いかんで(は)
N + いかんによって(は)
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Even if you are telling the same thing, the way you tell it will change the other person's reaction.
Depending on the content of his presentation, we will decide whether or not to assign him to this project.
Depending on whether that team wins or loses its next game, it will be relegated to the lower league or not.
Production of this crop varies greatly depending on the weather during the summer months.
Depending on how he apologizes, I will decide whether to forgive him or not.
The player once refused to sign a professional contract with the team I supervise, but there is a possibility that he may change his mind depending on the conditions.
Depending on the weather tomorrow, we may have to consider canceling the event.
Depending on the results of the upcoming end-of-semester tests, I may be retained.
Depending on the extent of the damage caused by this disaster, we may have no choice but to request the dispatch of Self-Defense Forces.
Depending on the content of the contract, the contract itself may be considered invalid.

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その他 note