文法-意味 grammar meaning
N をよそに
Despite the concerns of those around him, he fulfilled his major role admirably.
N を気にとめず~
N を関知することなく~
N にもかかわらず
"~ oyosoni" is used to mean not paying attention to thoughts, feelings, evaluations, situations, or people around you. "N."
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「N をよそに~」の「N」には以下にあげるような言葉がよく使われます。「~」の部分には、悪いこと(例文1)も、良いこと(例文2)も入ります。
1. 住民の反対をよそに、ダム建設は推し進められた。
The construction of the dam was pushed forward despite the opposition of the local residents.
2. 両親の心配をよそに、子供はすくすくと育っていった。
Despite the parents' concerns, the child grew up quickly.
接続 formation
N + をよそに
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
The soldier went alone into the dangerous area to rescue the hostages, despite the opposition of his fellow soldiers.
Despite domestic and international criticism, the president of that country pushed that policy with force.
The player had performed very well in that competition, despite the previous reputation that he had not been in good shape recently.
Despite the hopes of fans who wanted to see the group survive, the group decided to disband.
The child, who was sickly and weak at birth, grew up healthy and thriving, despite the worries of his parents.
Despite the apprehension of those around him, he was confident.
Despite his teammates' enthusiasm for his miraculous victory, he was alone with a downcast look on his face.
While the peasants lived in poverty, the nobles continued to enjoy a life of extreme luxury.
He continued to study alone at his desk, even during breaks, while his classmates played in the schoolyard.
She quickly entered the venue through the related persons' entrance, despite the long line of people waiting in front of the venue.

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