文法-意味 grammar meaning
V1 つ V2 つ
We got lost, and the sun was setting as we kept going back and forth to the same place.
「V1つ V2 つ」は、「V1」と「V2」に対となるような動詞を用い、「V1」と「V2」という動作や動きが交互に繰り返されている様子を表すために使われる。
”V1 tsuV2 tsu" is used to describe the repetition of alternating "V1" and "V2" actions/movements. In "V2," the verb which is the opposite of "V1" goes in.
【Grammar point】
「V1つ V2 つ」というのは、同じ意味を表す「~たり~たり」に比べ使用される頻度は少ない。「V2」には、「行きつ戻りつ」のように「V1」と逆の意味の動詞、または「持ちつ持たれつ」のように「V1」の受身の形が使われます。
1. 昨日はマンガを読みつテレビを見つしました。✖
Yesterday I read comics, watched TV, and so on.
接続 formation
V1(ます) つ + V2(ます) つ
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
For 20 years, I and he have had an "you scratch my back and I scratch yours" kind of relationship. When he was in trouble, I helped him, and when I was in trouble, he helped me. To lose weight, I jog 10km every day.
Yesterday's marathon broadcast was heated, with the top two runners passing and overtaking each other, and I couldn't take my eyes off the TV until the very end.
The discussion went back and forth, and it was difficult to reach a consensus.
In the autumn night sky, a large full moon was showing on and off through the clouds.
I just watched as the petals which fell on the surface of the water floated and sank.
The two players have been catching up with each other, and have developed their skills through friendly rivalry.
I went to a bar with an old friend who happened to be there, and as we were pouring sake each other, the topic suddenly came up of a girlfriend I had broken up with a long time ago.
The two armies had pushed and been pushed against each other for two weeks.
備考 notes
文化庁『平成 30 年度「国語に関する世論調査」の結果の概要』Ⅴ-(2)

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