文法-意味 grammar meaning
V(可能形)/V(たい) だけVする
I'll be busy tomorrow, so I'll do as much work as I can today.
If I were rich, I could eat as much as I wanted.
① "V (potential form) だけ + V" is used when you want to say that you will "V" as much as possible.
② "V (たい) だけ + V" is used when you want to say that you will "V" as much as you want.
【Grammar point】
「V(可能形)」を使う場合「限界まで~する」という意味になり、「V たい」を使う場合「十分だと思うまで~する」という意味になります。どちらも同じ動詞を繰り返して使用します。
1. この会場に椅子を並べられるだけ並べておいてください。
Please arrange as many chairs as you can in this hall.
2. 今ある在庫を送れるだけ送ってください。
Please send as much of your current inventory as you can.
3. ここにある紙は、使いたいだけ使って大丈夫です。
You can use as much paper here as you want.
4. 好きなだけ食べていいですよ。
You can eat as much as you like.
5. たくさんあるから、欲しいだけあげるよ。
I have a lot of them, I'll give you as many as you want.
接続 formation
V(可能形) + だけ
V(ます) + たいだけ
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I don't know if we can do it, but let's try as much as we can.
I have an early morning tomorrow, so I'll try to get as much sleep as I can now.
I want to do everything I can to pass the upcoming exam.
I want to collect as many stamps as I can from around the world.
You always want to do whatever you want, and you never think about me.
He leaves Japan tomorrow, so talk to him as much as you want today.
If you want to criticize me, you can do so as much as you want. But I'm not going to change my opinion no matter what.
If crying solves your problem, cry all you want.
The test is over and I can play as much as I want.
I don't wear any of the clothes here anymore, so you can take as many as you want.

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