「どころか」の文法 grammar
~ どころか
Instead of scolding me for my mistake, my boss laughed and forgave me.
It was really hot yesterday, probably around 35 degrees Celsius during the day, not 30 degrees Celsius.
①「A どころか B」は、「A ではなくその逆で Bだ」と、結果や状態等が想定と違うということを述べたい時に使われます。特に、話し手がそのことを「意外だ」と思っており、そのことを強調してい言いたい場合に使われます。
②「A どころか B」は、「A という程度ではなく Bだ」と、結果や状態等が想定をはるかにこえた程度であるということを述べたい時に使われます。特に、話し手がその「程度が甚だしいこと」を強調したい場合に使われます。
①”~dokoroka" is used when the speaker wants to state that the result or condition, etc., is different from what was expected. This is especially used when the speaker thinks it is "surprising" and wants to emphasize that fact.
②"~dokoroka" is used when the speaker wants to state that the result, condition, etc., is far beyond what was expected. It is especially used when the speaker wants to emphasize the "extreme degree" of it.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. 彼は風邪なのに、会社を休むどころかいつもより長く働いていた。
He had a cold, but instead of taking a day off from work, he worked longer than usual.
2. 彼は部長どころか社長にまで怒られた。
He was scolded, not only by his department head, but even by the president.
接続 formation
V(普通形) + どころか
イ形(普通形) + どころか
ナ形(普通形) + どころか
N(普通形) + どころか
【文法解説」Grammar point 3:
1. 部長どころか社長まで、明日の会議に参加するそうです。
Even the president, not just the director, will be attending tomorrow's meeting.
2. これが完成するのは来週どころか再来週になるかもしれない。
This may not be completed until the week after next, let alone next week.
3. 会議が始まるのは3時からどころか、5時からぐらいなるかもしれません。
The meeting might not start at 3:00, but at 5:00 or so.
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
He was not even worried that his friend was in a difficult situation. On the contrary, he was rather glad inside about it.
I myself thought I had done a good thing, but my parents scolded me instead of praising me.
I thought that restaurant must be very popular because it is run by a celebrity, but it seems that instead of being popular, it is on the verge of going out of business.
He did not agree with my proposal, but rather harshly criticized it.
When I took the medicine recommended by a friend, my illness worsened instead of being cured.
That ramen shop is so popular that you have to wait about 30 minutes to eat, right?
When I went there, I waited not 30 minutes, but two hours.
I heard that famous business owner did not even graduate from high school, let alone college.
I've been really busy lately and haven't even had time to eat, let alone take a vacation.
The U.S. lottery has the potential to win not 100 million but 100 billion yen.

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