文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ をめぐって / ~ をめぐり
The city and residents are at odds over the construction of a waste treatment plant.
【意味】 A ~をめぐって B
A(をどうするか)について B
A(をどっちにするか)について B
”~omegutte/omeguri" is used to indicate what is being contested or discussed. Contents of the "B" can be disputes, arguments, or conflicts.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
△ 組織の運営方針をめぐって、話し合いが行われた。(通常は「話し合い」という言葉に、争うというニュアンスは含まれないので「~をめぐって」は使われない)
〇 組織の運営方針について、話し合いが行われた。
A discussion was held on the management policies of the organization.
〇 組織の運営方針をめぐって、言い争いが起こった。
An argument broke out over the management policies of the organization.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2 :
「A をめぐって B」の「B」の部分には以下のような言葉が良く使われる。
接続 formation
N + をめぐって/をめぐる
N + をめぐる + N
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
例文 example sentences
The president and the vice president are at odds with each other over the company's policies.
The two countries continue to fight over the ownership of the region.
A court case was held over the legitimacy of that former employee's dismissal.
There is nothing worse than siblings fighting over a parent's inheritance.
Shouts of anger echoed through the store over the toilet paper that was in short supply.
The ruling and opposition parties engaged in a fierce debate over the passage of the bill.
The murder was the result of a dispute over a woman.
Two candidates are battling it out for the next presidential seat.
There was a disagreement over whether to cancel or continue the event.
The discussion between the government and local residents over the restart of nuclear power plants remains parallel.
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