文法-意味 grammar meaning
~にしろ ~にしろ
Whether it is baseball or soccer, it takes a lot of effort to become a professional athlete.
【意味】A にしろ B にしろ~
”~nisiro~nishiro" is used when you want to say "~" whether it is "A" or "B," regardless of which case it is.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
(1) 東大にしろ、京大にしろ、入るためにはたくさん勉強しないといけない。
Whether it is the University of Tokyo or Kyoto University, you have to study a lot to get in.
(2) 行くにしろ、行かないにしろ、私に連絡をください。
Whether you go or not, please let me know.
Would it be faster to take a cab than to go by train?
Hmmm...either way, we may not make it in time anymore.
接続 formation
V(普通形) + にしろ
イ形(普通形) + にしろ
ナ形(普通形) + にしろ
N(普通形) + にしろ
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例文 example sentences
Whether you take the Shinkansen or fly, either way it costs a certain amount of money.
Whether you decide to go ahead with tomorrow's field day or cancel it, you should let them know as soon as possible.
Whether it's the president or the manager of the department, they don't understand how hard it is to be on the ground.
Whether it rains tomorrow or not, you should bring rain gear when climbing a mountain.
Whether it is Mr. Suzuki or Mr. Sato, I am still uneasy about entrusting them with a big project.
Whether it is your mistake or your subordinate's, either way it is your responsibility.
Whether you buy or not, please decide one way or the other as soon as possible.
Whether it is 100 million or a billion, he is not the kind of politician who works for money.
Whether I get a job or go on to graduate school, I plan to quit my current part-time job in March.
Whether it's a phone call or an email, you should contact them to thank them anyway.

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