文法-意味 grammar meaning
As regards the matter, wthis will be explained at a later date.
”~nitsukimashite" is a more polite way of saying "~nitsuite".
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. 今回の発表内容につきまして、ご意見のある方は挙手をお願いいたします。
Please raise your hand if you have any comments on the content of this presentation.
2. そのことにつきましては、私からお話することできません。
As to the matter, I cannot speak to you.
3. 犯人の動機もまだ分かっていませんし、犯行手口につきましてもまだ不明です。
The motive of the perpetrators is not yet known, and their modus operandi is still unknown.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
4. この度弊社設立20周年を記念しまして、ささやなかながら祝賀パーティーを開く運びとなりました。つきましては、日頃お世話になっている貴社にもご参加いただきたいと思いご招待状をお送りさせていただきました。
In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of our company's establishment, we have decided to hold a small celebration party. We therefore send you an invitation to join us in this celebration.
接続 formation
N + につきまして
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
In regard to this matter, Mr. Yamada, the department manager, will explain.
In regard to this matter, we think that we are also responsible to a certain extent.
Regarding the future of our unprofitable division, we will discuss it with our board of directors and then decide what to do with it.
As for the investment ratio, how about 51% for our company and 49% for your company?
Regarding future matters, please do not hesitate to contact our company, Sato, if you have any questions.
Regarding private matters, we ask that you refrain from asking questions.
In regard to the famous incident, I have heard an interesting story from a person who was involved in the case at the time.
All those in favor of this matter, please raise your hand.
As for your goals for the future, could you please say something to the TV viewers?
Regarding the detailed circumstances leading to the cancellation of the event, a written announcement will be made at a later date.
備考 note

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