文法-意味 grammar meaning
N を契機に
(N を契機として/ N を契機にして)
Trrigered by Corona, a new way of working called "remote work" is taking root in Japan.
triggerd by N, N led to,
”N+okeikini" is used when you want to say that "N" is the trigger for the beginning or the change of something. It is a more formal expression than "N+okikkakeni".
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. その悲惨な事故を契機に、飲酒運転は厳罰化されることになった。
The tragic accident led to stricter penalties for drunk driving.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
3. その問題がメディアで取り上げられたことを契機として、その会社が行っていた一連の不正が次々と明るみに出た。
The media coverage of the issue led to the revelation of a series of irregularities that had been committed by the company.
3. 経営陣の交替を契機にして、社内の組織や制度も一新された。
Trrigerd by the change of board members, the company's internal organization and systems were also renewed.
接続 formation
N + を契機に ~
N + を契機として ~
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
The tragic accident led to the revision of food safety laws.
The young man began living away from his parents when he started working.
A strange relationship between her and me began with a letter that arrived by chance.
He became a popular actor known by many after appearing in that drama.
The disaster has led to an even greater emphasis on the importance of disaster preparedness.
Our company was able to grow significantly with the launch of this hit product.
With the meeting between the top leaders of the two countries, friendly relations between the two countries began to show signs of improvement.
The rise in the price of oil has triggered an upward trend in the prices of various goods as well.
Triggered by an inadvertent remark by the party leader, that party quickly lost support.
Triggered by the failure of the new business, the company's financial situation rapidly deteriorated.
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