文法-意味 grammar meaning
V +たところ:【発見】
On my way home, I stopped by a bookstore and happened to run into a colleague from work.
”-tatokoro" is used to describe the triggering action of a discovery. The actions are those that you did without knowing what the outcome would be, or without expecting the outcome.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
たら(発見)vs たところ(発見)
1. 新しいコンセプトのメイドカフェを出店したら、すごく人気になった。
I opened a maid café with a new concept and it became very popular.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
2. 上司に昇給をお願いしたところ、あっさり承諾してくれた。
When I asked my supervisor for a raise, he readily agreed.
3. たまたま見つけた小汚い店で食事したところ、そこの料理はとてもおいしかった。
I happened to find a small, dirty restaurant where I ate, and the food there was very good.
【文法解説】Grammar point 3:
4. 食べてみたところ、意外とおいしかった。
I tried it and it was surprisingly tasty.
5. 彼をパーティーに誘ってみたところ、彼は行きたいと言ってくれました。
I invited him to a party and he said he wanted to go.
6. 試しに試験を受けてみたところ、意外にあっさり合格しました。
I took the test and passed with surprising ease.
接続 formation
V(た形):た + ところ
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I looked into this issue and found some surprising facts.
I was out late at night and was stopped by a police officer.
When we banned overtime work, our company's performance went up.
I tried it with the feeling that even if it didn't work, it couldn't be helped, and to my surprise, I succeeded.
When we conducted a survey on this issue, not even half of the respondents said they agreed.
I checked with my boss and he said that there is no problem to proceed with this matter.
When I self-scored, I was one point short of a passing score on the test.
I posted my opinion to the newspaper and it was adopted and my opinion was published.
When I honestly admitted my mistake, he forgave me.
I was cleaning out my house and found my high school graduation album.
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