文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ じゃない / ~じゃん
You know, that movie is very popular now, right? So let's go see it together sometime.
This food is so delicious, isn't it? How did you make it?
I told you not to touch it, didn't I?
①”-janai/-jan" is used to confirm something that the listener probably already knows or is likely to agree with.
②”-janai/-jan" is used to express surprise and to compliment the listener.
③”-janai/-jan"is used to accuse the listener.
【Grammar point】
■ アクセント/イントネーション
1. クジラは魚じゃない。
Whales are not fish.
2. あの歌手ははあまり人気じゃない。
That singer is not very popular.
用法①:同意を求める→ ⤴
3. 彼女の娘はまだ小さいじゃない?(⤴)
Her daughter is still small, right?
用法②:驚き→ ⤵
4. あらっ、こんなところに新しいレストランができてるじゃない。(⤵)
Wow, there's a new restaurant here!
用法③:非難→ ⤵
5. だから、やらない方がいいっていったじゃない。(⤵)
That's why I told you not to do it.
■ ~じゃん
6. 昨日雨が降ったじゃん。それで洗濯物が干せなかったんだ。
It rained yesterday, you know. That's why I couldn't dry my clothes.
7. このジャケットすごい似合ってるじゃん。
This jacket looks amazing on you!
8. 絶対誰にも言わないでって言ったじゃん。
I told you not to tell anyone else, didn't I?
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形) + じゃない/じゃん
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
He's always lying, you know. So maybe he's lying about this too.
That store is always open late, right? Maybe it's still open at this time.
You know, my room has thin walls. That's why we can't make too much noise at home.
French restaurants are expensive, right? So I decided to look for a cheaper restaurant.
Wow, that's great. You got a perfect score on your last test.
This food is really good! You're a good cook, aren't you?
Wow, you won. That's thanks to your hard work.
I told you, it's not going to work that way.
She said that this mountain is easy to climb, but it's not easy at all.
You've had a week and you haven't done anything at all.

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