~たりして【文法-N3 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning



I wonder what's wrong with my mom that she would call me at this hour. Could it be bad news?



”~tarishite" is used when you want to say something that seems unlikely but might be possible. It can also be used by way of a joke.

Grammar point】



1. かれがこの事件じけん犯人はんにんかもしれない
He may be the one who did this.

2. かれがこの事件じけん犯人はんにんだったりして
It could be that he's the one who did this.
(※ その可能性は低いと思いながら、その可能性について言及している)

■ カジュアルな場面


3-A: うちの旦那だんな最近さいきんなんかいつも機嫌きげんがいいのよね。
My husband is always in a good mood these days.

   B: えー、なんへんだね。もしかして浮気うわきしてたりしてね。
Um, something's weird. Could it be that he's cheating on you, maybe?

接続  formation

 V/イ形/ナ形/N (た/なかった) : +りして

関連文法 related grammar

例文 example sentences

A: 約束やくそく時間じかんぎたのに、まだ山田君やまだくんないね。
It's past the appointed time, but Yamada-kun still hasn't shown up.

B: 電話でんわにもでないし、いえでまだたりして
He also doesn't answer the phone. It could be that he's still sleeping at home.


A: このまえったたからくじが当選とうせんしているか確認かくにんしてみようよ。
Let's see if we've won the lottery we bought last time.

B: オッケー。もしかして一等いっとうたってたりして
Okay. It could be that we've won the first prize.


A: あんまりしたしくないひとからごはんこうってさそわれたんだ。
I was asked out to dinner by someone I didn't know very well.

B: えーなんだろうね。へんなビジネスの勧誘かんゆうされたりして
That's weird. It could be that you will be solicited for some kind of strange business.


A: あのテレビにもてる社長しゃちょうはさわやかだし、素敵すてきだよね。
The president of the company, who is often seen on TV, is pleasant and lovely.

B: でも意外いがいうらではわるいことたくさんやってたりして
But behind the scenes, it could be that he is doing a lot of bad things.


A: おくさんと離婚りこんしたのに、かれ全然ぜんぜんさびしそうじゃないね。
He doesn't look lonely at all, even though he's divorced his wife.

B: どうだろう。意外いがいかげでは一人ひとりいてたりして
I don't know, perhaps he is crying alone, where no one is watching.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

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