文法-意味 grammar meaning
V+てきた / V+ていく
I ran from home to here.
The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.
He left the letter on the table and went away.
I found an old photo in a drawer.
①”~tekuru/~teiku" is used to describe the means of transportation when going or coming somewhere, as in "あるいていく" or "はしっていく"
②”~tekuru/~teiku" is used to indicate in which direction the action of the preceding verb occurred from the reference viewpoint, as in "sinking" or "floating. When the action occurs in the direction approaching the viewpoint, "ていく" is used; when the action occurs in the direction moving away from the viewpoint, "てくる" is used.
③”~tekuru/~teiku" is used to state with the action performed before going or coming, as in ”おいていく" or "もっていく". It is used when going or coming with the result of an action continuing before it.
④”~teiku" is used with verbs that mean something disappears and " tekuru" is used with verbs that mean something appears.
【Grammar point】
■ 用法①:移動の手段・方法
1. ガソリンが無くなったので、彼らは車をここまで押してきたそうだ。
They ran out of gasoline, so they pushed their car to this point.
2. この金庫は重たすぎて持ち上げられないので、引きずっていくしかない。
This safe is too heavy to lift, so we have to drag it .
■ 用法②:移動・行為の方向
3. ボールは彼の方に飛んでいった。
The ball flew toward him.
4. ボールが私の方に飛んできた。
The ball flew towards me.
5. ボールが彼の方に飛んできた。
The ball flew toward him.
■ 用法③:事前の行動+結果の継続
6. 水筒に水を入れていきます。
I will fill my water bottle with water and go.
7. 家に帰って、忘れものを取ってきます。
I will go home and get what I forgot and back.
8. レッスンの前に、家でたくさん練習していきます。
Before the lesson, I will practice a lot at home and go.
■ 用法④:出現/消滅
9. この戦争でたくさんの人が死んでいった。
Many people died in this war.
In the fall, mushrooms grow out of the ground.
11. 会社まで走ってきました。(移動の手段)
I came running to the office.
12. 練習の前に一時間走ってきました。(事前の行為+結果の継続)
I ran for an hour before practice.
13. このマラソン大会まで、毎日30kmは走ってきました。(行為の継続)
Until this marathon, I have been running 30 km every day.
接続 formation
V(て) + きた/いく
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N4/N5 Grammar
例文 example sentences
If you go by bus, it will take about 10 minutes to get there.
It looks close, but swimming to the next island is dangerous and you should not do it.
Did you walk all the way here even though it is such a long way?
I was running late, so I ran up here.
He moved to Osaka without saying goodbye.
The batter hit the ball and it flew into the left-field stands.
She came back to Japan for the first time in four years.
A large rock fell down from the top of the cliff.
He stayed at this hotel for three days.
Then I will leave the materials here and go.
I went to him and talked to him about this issue.
I will go to a supermarket and buy dinner tonight.
It's sad to die without fulfilling any of your dreams.
With this detergent, the dirt disappeared in a flash.
After I turned 30, I suddenly gained weight in my stomach.
With this medicine, hair grew back.

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