文法-意味 grammar meaning
いつ V+てもおかしくない
If you continue to live like that, you could get sick at any time.
could ~ at any moment, etc.,
”おかしい" is used with question words such as "いつ/どの/どちら," as in ""itsu+V+temookashikunai"," to say that there is a possibility of the occurrence of the situation.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. あのカップルはいつもケンカばかりで、いつ別れてもおかしくない状態だ。
That couple is always fighting and could break up at any moment.
2. 両チームの対戦は、どちらが勝ってもおかしくないぐらい良い試合だった。
The match between the two teams was so good that either team could have won.
接続 formation
V(て形):て/で + もおかしくない
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
The sky looks as if it could rain at any moment.
He was so stressed out that he could have said he was quitting the company at any time.
The company is in such a difficult situation that it could collapse at any time.
An expert said Tokyo could be hit by a major earthquake at any time.
The house was so dilapidated that it could have collapsed at any time.
She was so exhausted that she could have collapsed at any moment.
Relations between the two countries had deteriorated to the point that war could break out at any time.
どの/どちら ~てもおかしくない
Yesterday's game was a match that either side could have won.
That election was so close that any candidate could have been elected.
All the teams were so strong that any of them could have won.

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